This Website and Apps are operated by ‘Shri mateshwari oil and sugar’. It is strongly recommended that you read and understand these ‘Terms of Use’ carefully, as by accessing this site.You agree to be bound by the same and acknowledge that it constitutes an agreement between you and the Company (hereinafter the “User Agreement”). You should not use the Website if you have any objections to any of these Terms & Conditions.

These Terms & Conditions apply to your use of this Website and also apply to:
(a) All websites and Apps (Both IOS and Android) owned and/or provided by ‘Shri mateshwari oil and sugar ’ including without limitation websites and all services offered on or through this Website or any Shri mateshwari oil and sugar website (“Services”)
(b) All software offerings and applications owned or provided by Shri mateshwari oil and sugar and/or available on or through this Website or any Shri mateshwari oil and sugar website (“Software”)
(c) Web pages, data, text, images, photographs, graphics, audio, video, and documents including, without limitation, offers and coupons, gift cards, marketing materials, press releases, and other information and content available on or through or submitted on or through this Website or any Shri mateshwari oil and sugar website
(d) All social media pages operated by Shri mateshwari oil and sugar, regardless of whether available on a Shri mateshwari oil and sugar owned site or a site owned by a third party (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc.).By accessing the Website, you acknowledge that you have read and understand these Terms & Conditions, accept them, and agree to be legally bound by them.

Shri mateshwari oil and sugar may revise these Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy over time as new features are added to the Website or as Internet law and standards evolve. We will post these changes but recommend that you read these Terms & Conditions periodically when you visit the Website.

Your continued participation on this Website indicates your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions, including your acceptance of the Privacy Policy and of the collection, use, disclosure, management and storage of your Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Policy).

If you have any objections to any of these Terms & Conditions, you should immediately discontinue use of the Website.

Other Terms: Some areas of this Website may have additional rules, guidelines, and/or other terms and conditions that apply to your access and/or use of that area of the Website and that may be revised from time to time (“Other Terms”). If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any of these Terms & Conditions and the Other Terms, the Other Terms shall take precedence with respect to your access and use of that area of the Website.
Copyright and Permissions: Please feel free to browse the Website. In general, and unless otherwise posted, you may review and print copies of material from the Website, provided that the material
(1) is used only for non-commercial purposes, and
(2) retains, without alteration, all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices displayed on the material as posted on the Website.

You are not permitted to make or distribute copies of material on the Website for any commercial purpose without prior written permission from Shri mateshwari oil and sugar. None of the material contained on the Website (including all software, HTML code, and other code) may be reverse-engineered, disassembled, decompiled, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language or computer language, retransmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photo-reproduction, recordation, or otherwise), resold or redistributed without the prior written permission of Shri mateshwari oil and sugar. Except as otherwise noted.

All content of the Website is: Copyright ©2020 Shri mateshwari oil and All rights reserved. 'Shri mateshwari oil and sugar' has a policy of terminating services to users who intentionally and/or repeatedly infringe. For further information regarding permission to use material from the Website, please contact us at email.

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